Friday, April 3, 2009

My First...

Me and Mommy and Daddy went to San Diego last weekend to see Jesse and Tyson get married on the beach. I got REAL tired because there was so much to see and do, most of it was my first time!
The airplane ride wasn't all it was cracked up to be, it was like a big vibrating chair and a lot of white noise. I slept on both flights while Mommy and Daddy read the newspaper and ordered apple juice and diet cokes. When we went to the beach, I got to touch the sand for the first time. Although it felt nice on my feet, I think I will like it more when I can walk on my own. I really can't wait to put it in my mouth!
I touched the ocean too, it's huge and kinda cold. I don't get the excitement. Mom and Dad said we could come back when it is warmer. I hope so cuz the girls really liked my swim trunks.
I've always enjoyed spitting and blowing raspberries, but I realized when we were in San Diego that it's REAL FUN to spit and blow my cereal and peas really far! Mommy was yelling and laughing at the same time, I don't understand her sometimes.
We went to Steve and Jen Brophy's house to watch the Michigan State University basketball game where I got to go into the pool and taste a kumquat for the first time.
The Cleveland Wedding was my first and it was beautiful and it had me wondering if they're all that nice. If so, I want to go to more weddings. Everyone was happy and dressed in nice clothes. I wore my brand new preppy golfer outfit from Auntie Jolee. Everyone especially liked my hat. It was a little breazy that day, but not enough to distract from the champagne and cupcakes. Mommy said I can't have either of those things yet. Maybe next time.
Mommy went back to work this week, I think that's why Daddy bought her a beautiful bouquet of flowers. I didn't really notice she was gone cuz I was playing with Amy and Peyton and Grandpa. I still took my naps and ate well too. She says next week will be a little harder because she is working all 5 days instead of 3, but overall she doesn't seem very stressed like we all thought she would.
I can't wait to meet Adeline Rose Brown. Quentin and Amy welcomed their little girl into the world last week. We are so happy for the Brown family!
Tomorrow I get to see Steve Hydrick cuz he's turning 40 years old. That seems like a lot to me, specifically, 80 times my age! Happy Birthday Steve!
Until next time,

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Yesterday Was My 1/2 Year Birthday!

I am getting old fast! Wait, Grandpa Buschette turned 60 yesterday too... it's apparently happening faster for him! Happy Birthday Grandpa!
Life is getting more and more fun these days. I remembered the other day that I know how to spit! I forgot how much I loved to spit and sputter with my drool, so I am doing a lot of that again now. Sometimes I like to spit when mom is feeding me rice cereal and peas, but it kinda makes her mad. She tells me it's eating time, not playing time. :)

I still really enjoy standing up and I wish I could do it on my own, but I still need mom or dad to hold me up. They are always trying to get me to sit, but I don't like it as much. I figure if I hold stiff like a board, then I can stay standing. I don't have any interest in crawling yet either, although mom is really working hard at trying to encourage crawling. She sits me down and puts a toy in front of me, out of my reach (mean). Then I have to lean foward and kinda crawl towards it... I usually either do a faceplant or roll over onto my back. Then I whine. This sitting and crawling stuff is for the birds!

Grandpa Bray got a backpack that I can ride in... it's sooooooo fun! I get to see everything. Even if I'm tired, I still like to ride in the backpack. Mom and me and the dog walked down the street today. It was bright and sunny but the air was a little chilly. Dad mowed the lawn.

My appetite is growing for more solid foods these days. I like most everything except carrots and green beans -yuk!! My favorite is prunes, but Daddy says I can't eat very many of those. Something about a stinky mess one night. You'll hafta ask him cuz I don't remember the details.

Well, Mommy starts back to work in 10 days. She seems real sad even though I will be just fine over at Amy's house. I like to play with Petyon. He has cool toys. He likes to pet my head too. We sleep in the same crib (see pic above), although Peyton doesn't sleep as long as I do, I just try to keep sleeping when he talks. Amy is real nice too. She knows how to make baby food. I can't wait to be there when the other 2 kids, Tyler and Marques come home from school. They really like babies which means they will play with me!

Grandma and Grandpa Bray are going to take me on Fridays, so that should be fun. I think I'll get to see my cousin Zoe more, especially when she's out of school for the Summer.

I get to ride on an airplane for the first time ever next Thursday! I am so excited to go to San Diego to visit Claire, oh how I miss my Claire Beauty. She's already running around and talking a bit, but that's ok... I know she still has her eye on me! Jesse and Tyson are getting married on Saturday and I get to go to the wedding! Mom and Dad are going out afterwards, but I really like to sleep by 8pm so I will stay at Rachel's house with the girls! I'm so excited.

Before we leave on Thursday, I hafta visit Dr. Prosser for my 6 month check up. I get 4 shots that day too. Although they startle me at first, I don't mind the shots too bad. I really just like to flirt with Kristen, Lindsay, Veronica, Judy, Susan, Monica and all the other girls. I hope to check in again after San Diego and after mom's first couple weeks at work to let you all know how it's going!


Monday, March 9, 2009

I am 5 and a half months old now, such a big boy!! Life is more fun each and every day! Mom and Dad let me bounce a lot and I laugh at funny things. I really like to play "peek-a-boo" too! Mom and Dad are feeding me big boy food these days which I am just barely getting used to. I like the rice cereal cuz it tastes like breast milk, but the carrots, squash, peas, pears, bananas and mangos are VERY flavorful. With all this extra energy, I have figured out how to roll both ways now, but I don't like to be on my tummy still so I mostly roll from back to front. I still love to stand up and look around. My favorite thing is to go outside and look around at all the trees and watch Shasta fetch her green ball.

Mom has recently given me a new nickname, "stinky". She says it a lot when she's changing my diaper... something about the solid food.

Mom is getting ready to go back to work in only 3 weeks. I will miss her, but it will be fun to play with Payton over at Amy's house while Mom is at work. Before she starts work though, we get to go down to San Diego to visit Claire. I get to fly on a real airplane for the first time! I am sooo excited.

We are planning lots of camping trips this Summer to Lake Pillsbury where we now own the rights to lease a permanent campsite. We have a trailer with bunk beds for me to sleep in and an outdoor kitchen with 2 sheds for storage. Dad is excited to buy a gas powered golf cart, a generator and a new BBQ! I think I might catch my first fish up there maybe next year. I have to exercise my opposable thumbs before I can real it in by myself.

Because I will be spending a lot of time at the lake, Mom and Dad are thinking about enrolling me in ISR - Infant Swim Rescue. I will learn how to turn over and float on my back in the event I accidentally fall into the lake. When I get a little older, I will learn how to swim a little face down, then turn over and breathe/float on my back until I catch my breath so I can swim some more. Hopefully I will learn to do that until I am rescued or I swim to shore. I think I will like swimming.

I really like seeing all of my Grandparents. Actually we had a birthday party for Grandpa Bray on Saturday. It was fun. I spent 3 days with Grandma and Grandpa Buschette last week too. I even got to see Auntie Norma, Bobby and Pat again too!

I got sick for the first time a couple of weeks ago. It was annoying to cough a lot but it didn't bother me too much. What really sucked was having both of my ears infected! It was so painful, I cried for Mom all night for 2 nights in a row. She slept with me up in the guest bed. I got to sleep on a big boy pillow which helped ease the pain a little. I had to take antibiotics that tasted kinda fruity. At first they made me gag a lot because I am not used to so much flavor. But, I started to like the berry flavor after a couple of days. I am all better now, thank goodness. Mom and Dad are happy too.

I will be hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa Bray quite a bit in the next few weeks so they can get used to watching me. They will have me every other Friday when Mom goes back to work. That will be super-fun!

I hope you enjoy these pics. Mom is still trying to download videos of me onto my blog. If you don't see them up here, check Search "max bray" and you will see 6 videos of me!


Friday, January 16, 2009

Happy 2009!

Wow, it's been almost a month since I've updated my blog! There's so much to write!
I really enjoyed my first Christmas this year because I got to see Grandma and Grandpa Buschette, Grandpa Bray and Jeanie, Auntie Molly and Cousin Zoe and Grandma Bray. I even got to play with Aunt Norma again. I like to play with Aunt Norma because she's real gentle and smiles at me a lot.
Mom and Dad got a new TV for Christmas, I really love it because it's big and bright and I get to watch my Baby Einstein video on it. For Christmas, my Grandparents all gave me money for college. I guess that's cool, although I don't yet know what that means. Mom and Dad told me they started a 529 account... cool.
Over the holiday, I learned something very important... that if I reach for something I'm curious about, I can grab it and put it in my mouth!! Now everything goes in my mouth, it's fun! I also learned how to roll over from my tummy to my back. You see, I don't like hanging out on my tummy because I just get to look at the floor, so I decided to roll over! I've been standing with support on Mom and Dad's lap now for several weeks... so I decided to start jumping. Wow, is that fun, especially on Dad's lap cuz I can jump a lot higher! It makes me laugh.
The weather has been real nice lately, the sun is warm. We were outside playing with Shasta today, I think that dog really wants me to do something with the round thing she's always carrying in her mouth. I'll figure it out someday.
Over the holiday we had lots of visitors... Peter and Christine came to see us for New Year's Eve, they brought Roxy. I couldn't play with Roxy because she moves too fast, but she sure is cute! Mandy and Christine beat the boys in Trivial Pursuit, I guess that means girls are smarter than boys. We got to see the Wilsons -Jenny, Aaron, Jack, Gracie and Carly. They're from Wyoming and they came all the way to California to meet me! I really enjoyed watching those two hot girls who look the same. Jolee came for lunch one day... I wanted to stare at her a lot, she's real pretty. Jolee was real nice to me too, she brought me a golf outfit for this Spring. I'll win her over when she sees me wearing it. Peter and Seana Galicz came to see us earlier in December. They brought Gray who is a lot bigger than me. He can crawl! I want to be like him someday.
It was fun visiting Dr. Prosser's office this week. I flirted with Monica, Lindsay, Kristen, Judy and Linda... I think they all really like me! I'm now 14 lbs 2 ozs and 27 inches long! Mommy thinks that's funny because neither her nor my Daddy are long and lean.
Well, I'll try to keep this updated more often. Sorry, the holiday season had me in so many people's arms that I just never got a chance to write. I hope this entry finds you all enjoying 2009 so far. I can't wait to jump on your lap!


Saturday, December 20, 2008

It's my 1/4 year birthday!

Today, I turned 3 months old! I'm still sleeping through the night which makes me very happy. I slept 11 hours last night and was so happy when I woke this morning that I tried to pee on Mom and missed. Instead I peed on the pretty striped wall next to my changing table.

We learned yesterday that our friends Linsey and Josh are going to have a little boy too. He can be my friend cuz we're going to have the same name. Mr. Maxwell David Wright should arrive sometime in early May, I can't wait to meet him!

I really like to sit in my new Bumbo chair cuz I get to see everything, like our Christmas tree. The lights are real neat and there's a picture of me hanging from one branch. It's my first Christmas ornament. I got a new Christmas outfit too, but couldn't wear it in this picture because I pooped on it.

Mom still has me on a good schedule but because I'm getting to be a bigger boy (3 months), I only take 3 naps per day now and I eat only 5 times instead of 6. I just get to drink more milk each time instead now.

I'm excited for Christmas next week cuz I will get to see all of my Grandparents again. Also, Dad has the next 9 out of 10 days off from work, so he can play with me. That's my favorite.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Well, I have recently learned to spit and blow bubbles... I think it's real funny! Things are going well, Mommy says I'm growing so fast... already wearing my 6 month clothing! It's cuz I'm so long. I also recently realized I really like it when I get to stand on Mom or Dad's lap. My favorite game is when I lay on Dad's lap while holding his hands. Then Daddy says, "ready?", and I tighten my tummy muscles and Dad helps me to stand all the way up on his chest. I LOVE IT cuz I get to see Mommy in the kitchen, I get to see Shasta walk around the house and I get to see the dining room light. It's a lot of fun.

I also have a new bear cub outfit that Mom and Dad really like. I think I look silly in it. What do you think?

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Good Weekend with Grandma and Grandpa

Mom and Dad went to the FDP Company Christmas Party this weekend which meant I got to stay with Grandma and Grandpa Buschette! We had a real fun time. Grandpa is always telling me jokes but I don't get them yet. Grandma is real gentle with me, I can tell she really likes me cuz she talks nice to me all the time. I didn't really miss my Mom and Dad much, but I got happy hearing Mom's voice when she got home Sunday morning.
Mom and Dad won a really nice digital picture frame at the company Christmas party. They had fun golfing, although Daddy was mad cuz Mommy's team won 2nd place and Daddy's team came in last. I told them it's not about winning, as long as they had fun.
Mom still has a job, she was worried because her company laid off a whole bunch of people on Wednesday. Her friend Jason can no longer work with Mommy and that makes Mommy sad. Jason just had a new baby girl named Isabella Leilani Lanag this week too. She's beautiful and I can't wait to meet her.
Dave Olsen came to visit us last night and we went to dinner at Flavors. I was real fussy so Mom and Dad weren't as relaxed as they normally are at dinner. But then I slept real good last night, all the way until 7 this morning, then I wasn't fussy any more.
Mommy talked to my future Mother-in-law, Rachel, today. She gets to stay at home with my girlfriend Claire and she watches another little girl. They sound like they're doing fine and Rachel seems real happy. I can't wait to see Claire again, I like her tractor.
I think I'm almost ready to start napping a little less during my day. Mommy says I get to take only 3 naps a day instead of 5 pretty soon. I can't wait cuz that means I get to play with Mommy more. I took a couple of long naps today already.
Well, have a good week.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I am REALLY long!!

I got to see Dr. Prosser today and Veronica and Lindsay too. I weighed 12 lb and 10 oz, and I was 25 inches long! Lindsay gave me my shots which weren't that bad. I did scream and cry a little but then I got tired. I've been real sleepy all day! It was nice because I got to snuggle with Mom and Daddy and Grandma and Grandpa.
Grandma and Grandpa Buschette came today, they are going to stay through the weekend. I am excited for Saturday because they are going to watch me when my parents are gone. I'm going to go to bed now.

Monday, December 1, 2008

I'm Back!

We haven't had internet for almost a week, Mom doesn't like when we don't have internet. That means, so much to report!
Thanksgiving was awesome! I got to meet Auntie Chris and Kathy, and Uncle Ron and Bob... even Jimmy, Tony, Julia, Andrew and little Lincoln were there! I got to see Grandma and Grandpa Bray, Aunt Molly and Cousin Zoe too!
I went with Mom and Dad to a few more parties over the weekend too. We saw Steve and Chelsea's new house up in Fountaingrove. It's real nice with a big spiral staircase and vaulted ceilings. Then, we went to Evan's 1st birthday party at Tim and Jill's house. There were 20 other kids there, but I didn't play with them much. They were all running around and laughing, I'm just too little. Plus, I got tired and took a nap. On Saturday, we went to Brooke's baptism then to Auntie Ilene and Uncle Bill's house for some more food. Mom said she really liked the macaroni and the lemon bars. I had milk.
I am feeling a little bettter these days. Eating is still a little painful due to my reflux, but I am spitting up on Mom and Dad a lot less. I kinda like the medicine now too, at first I really hated it -yuk!
I am still sleeping through the night, from about 10 till 6am. I like to wake mom up around 3am still though cuz I scoot my way up the bassinet until my head hits the back wall. It bugs me and because I am still too little to fix it myself, I call mom and she helps me out. That's probably why I'm taking naps in my crib upstairs now. I think I might sleep up there at night starting this week. I like all the stuffed animals to look at, plus the bed is bigger.
I go to the doctor for my first shots this Thursday. I don't know what shots are yet, but I don't think they will be that bad. I like the girls at Dr. Prosser's office. Dr. Prosser is nice too, I hope to grow up to be a doctor like him (that's what Mommy hopes for anyway, Daddy is still hoping for a professional golfer).
THEN, Grandma and Grandpa Buschette come to town on Friday and they get to babysit me over night on Saturday night!! I am sooooo excited! Mom and Dad are going to a company Christmas party out at the coast. Mom seems a little anxious to leave me but I told her I would be fine with Grandma and Grandpa.
Then, Sunday we are going to Uncle Peter and Auntie Christine's new house in Alameda. So much to do, so little time!


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